Mardi Gras Parade
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New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade Schedule 2024

“Neither Rain, Cold, Strike nor Hurricane’s Might”

Pegasus is known as the Krewe that never cancels it activities because weather. Working closely with city officials and the New Orleans Police and Fire Departments, the Krewe has established a reputation of ensuring safety of not only their members but the viewing public and will wait to the last minute to make a final decision on whether or not to parade due to adverse weather conditions. One year when New Orleans was snowed, Pegasus paraded. Temperatures were in the teens. When the New Orleans Police Department decided to strike, Pegasus moved it parade outside the City and paraded anyway. During two major hurricanes, Betsy and more recently Katrina, the Krewe found a way to parade. When Betsy hit the city, the Krewe lost all its costumes and had to remake them with the help of its members because out costumer's store went under water ruining the costumes. When Katrina threatened to wipe out the Krewe's festivities they once again found a way to parade. Pegasus has always been resilient always finding a way to continue in its great traditions and lead by example.

the Krewe of Pegasus Mythology

Pegasus, the Winged Horse, was the son of Poseidon and Medusa, sprang from the blood of Medusa when it dropped into the sea after her head had been severed by Perseus. Pegasus appears again and again throughout mythology. He was captured by Bellerophon at the water of his fountain and ridden by him when he killed the dreaded three headed Chimaera. Pegasus became the thundering horse of Zeus which is why he appears among the stars. Pegasus was later brought to Mount Helicon by Bellerophon and with one kick of his hoof, he caused the spring of Hippocrene to flow. Hippocrene is said to be the source of inspiration to poets. Bellerophon, who slayed the hideous beast Chimaera, became so headstrong that he ordered Pegasus to fly him up to Mount Olympus, the home of the gods. This impudence angered Zeus, who sent an insect to sting the winged horse, who bucked Bellerophon off its back. Needless to say, Bellerophon did not survive the fall to Earth. Pegasus went on to greatness, however, as the "Thundering Horse of Jove" who carried lightning bolts for Zeus.

Horses are a potent symbol from almost every world religion and mythology. Many of its myths express the horse's innate clairvoyance and ability to perceive the magic within humans. Some view the horse as the symbol of strength, virility and lust. According to popular belief it loses its sexual powers when its mane is cut, and is the only animal which shows sorrow because it weeps for its dead master (though this is later belief is not exclusive to the Horse-Human relationship). Also, it is a symbol for loyalty and devotion, such as the faith it has with it's master. It also represents the warrior spirit, bravery and courage.

Strength & Sexual Energy Wings are a symbol that denotes "flight" and often represent prayer and contemplation, especially in the sense of feathered bird-like wings. A spiritual or religious symbol they represent the soul's ability to transcend the weight of earthly burdens and rise above such concerns into the air, even to Heaven itself, to the presence of God. In Christian symbolism, through demonization, there are also the accursed wings of such infernal creatures as vampires, basilisks, dragons and others. These are the leathery wings of skin, like those of a bat, whose appearance adds to the attributes of evil inherent in the beast. "Skin" being a symbol of the carnal nature of man, therefore sinful, is connected to the idea of the perversion of the intellectual faculties toward evil purposes. Azrael, the Angel of Death, is often depicted with leathery wings, (i.e., the satyr-like devil, Satan [the former Angel of Light, Lucifer] the Destroyer). These are the typical wings of the Hellhorse or the Chimaera. Transcendence & Liberty.

The Winged Horse or Pegasus symbolizes heightened power of the natural forces - the innate capacity for spiritualization and for inverting evil into good. As a Christian and religious symbol, Pegasus was adopted from the attribution as the mount of Apollo, the God of pure light, beauty and truth to be included in the symbolic fauna of Christ. Winged horses, in general, symbolize the transport of the soul of the deceased Christian to Heaven, and figuratively, like Apollo the Sun-god, represents Christ lifted up and, like the sun, 'Full of Glory,' and as the Revealer of Mysteries and the causer of refreshing (as in the passage: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles..." - Isaiah 40:31). Also, during the Apocalypse, Pegasus has been compared to the "white horse" whom the conqueror rides in the book of Revelation in the Bible. Aside from being a general symbol of creative inspiration and poetry, the flying horse is an expression for speed, power and swift transport. As an animal totem, Pegasus symbolizes the immortality of the soul, and serves as the carrier and protector of the spirit in its journeys to the astral plane (especially to the Moon - the emotional plane). Pegasus is closely linked to the Greek gods Poseidon (Neptune) [emotion ], his father; Athena (Minerva) [heavenly wisdom ], his protectress; Zeus (Jupiter) [guidance & creativity ] as his Thunder-bearer; and the Muse Urania [heavenly love ], his nursemaid, and the Muses [inspiration, memory and the arts ] in general; the heroes Perseus [intellect ] and Bellerophon [impudence ]; and the monsters Medusa [mortal wisdom ] and Chimaera [complex evil ]. Creative Inspiration & Benevolent Transformation, Communication & Transportation.

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